September 23, 2020

Category: About Sherry Articles Media Reporting on Sherry

A Very Ambitious Throne Speech

Throne Speech: Canada’s Response to COVID-19 Prorogation on August 18, following the resignation of Finance Minister Morneau, a new session of Parliament, and a new speech from the throne was meant to allow the government to hit the reset button. And for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, to try and move past the summer of controversy…

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September 15, 2020

Category: About Sherry Articles Media Reporting on Sherry

Another Record-Setting Month For Canadian Housing

Canadian Housing Market Sets Record Highs in August Today’s release of August housing data by the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) showed a blockbuster August with both sales and new listings hitting their highest levels in 40 years of data–exceeding the record July activity levels. This continues the rebound in housing that began four months ago….

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September 9, 2020

Category: About Sherry Articles Media Reporting on Sherry

Bank of Canada Holds Rate At 25 bps

Bank of Canada Relies on Quantitative Easing As promised, the Bank held its target overnight rate at the effective lower bound of 25 basis points with the clear notion that negative policy rates are not in the cards. Instead, the central bank will rely on large-scale asset purchases–quantitative easing (QE–of at least $5 billion per…

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September 4, 2020

Category: About Sherry Articles Media Reporting on Sherry

Strong August Jobs Report in Canada

Canada Has Recouped Two-Thirds Of Pandemic Job Losses The August Labour Force Survey, released this morning by Statistics Canada, reflects labour market conditions as of the week of August 9 to 15, five months after the onset of the COVID-19 economic shutdown. By mid-August, public health restrictions had substantially eased across the country and more businesses and…

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